
Land surveyors already use a lot of high-quality technology – including GPS receivers, 3D scanners and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – to help them take accurate measurement[...]
Cyber Alert for A&E Firms: 50+ Firms Infected On the Same Day, Impacted Firms Down for a Week. An A&E vendor in the tri-state area inadvertently infected 50+ A&E firms [...]
Tunnels were initially constructed around 3,000 years ago mainly for defensive purposes. The invention of dynamite in 1867 by inventor Albert Nobel blasted the construction of tunn[...]
Wood has always been an essential building material. It is a sustainable material and carbon-negative – meaning it takes CO2 out of the air while growing. People have been building[...]
Nanotechnology sometimes sounds like something from a science fiction movie. There is often confusion about what they are and what they do. What they are is simple. The range of th[...]
Precast concrete is an excellent building material that has recently seen more use in the United States. Its extensive use in earthquake prone areas like eastern Europe and central[...]
Laser scanning is not a new technology in land surveying. In fact, the technology has been around since the 1960s, but it wasn’t used in engineering until the 1990s. New ways[...]
Indiana Dunes Habitat Fragmentation Wikimedia Commons Habitat fragmentation is when habitats are broken up into smaller habitat fragments. This can be caused by natural occurrences[...]
How the interior of the Cruise AV looks without a steering wheel or pedals.   GENERAL MOTORS Most of us are excited about the opportunities self-driving cars can bring. We cou[...]
Just as energy and water are connected, so too are energy and waste. It takes water to make energy and energy to make and transport clean water. We certainly make waste from the pr[...]
Citizen’s opinions have always been taken into consideration during urban planning. Urban planners know there are benefits to citizen involvement during the planning phases. The pr[...]
Access to clean water is one of the biggest hurdles for people living in developing countries. 80% of illnesses in the developing world are attributed to unclean water. Our sophist[...]