

As a leading independent professional liability insurance brokerage offering customized civil and environmental engineers errors and omission insurance policies and risk management solutions, our team at Fenner & Esler is proud to showcase the projects and successes of our clients.

This Fisher Associates project involved environmental screening, preliminary engineering, and final design for the rehabilitation of the Centerway Arch Bridge, a historically significant, seven-span, concrete and earth-filled arch bridge originally constructed in 1920. The bridge is an important historic structure in addition to serving as a link between the Corning Museum of Glass on the north side and Historic Market Street on the south side.

Fisher Associates conducted an extensive structural inspection of the existing seven-span bridge to determine the extent of deterioration and the improvements needed to insure the integrity of the structure. The inspection included a 100% hands-on inspection of the concrete arch, concrete spandrel walls, piers, and abutments, a visual inspection of the parapets and deck, and a Service Life Assessment. Once the issues were identified, our structural engineers proceeded with identifying alternatives for repair, developing cost estimates, preparing the design report, and progressing with final design documents. Alternatives for aesthetic improvements to the bridge were also evaluated that incorporate the historic character of the original bridge.


The project also includes design and construction of a multi-use trail on top of the existing levee on the north side of the Chemung River. The new multi-use, paved trail will replace the existing informal worn path along the top of the levee between East High School and Bridge Street. Rest areas will be constructed along the trail providing benches and bike racks for trail users and opportunities for the placement of interpretive signs and plaques highlighting the history of the area. Connections to key destinations along the trail will also be provided, including East High School and the YMCA. The plaza area at the north end of the bridge will be redesigned to complement the historic character of the Market Street District at the south end of the bridge.

SHPO coordination was critical as the bridge is historically significant and is within the historic Market Street district within the City of Corning. Coordination with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to obtain a permit for use of Flood Control Lands was also required. As the levee is an integral part of their flood control plan, proposed levee-top trail construction activities will be closely scrutinized before permits are issued.

Fisher Associates Overview

Since 1984, Fisher and Associates has combined their expertise in all aspects of civil engineering with their ability to form long-term relationships with people to provide creative and innovative solutions for a broad range of municipal and state government projects, as well as for clients in the private sector.

With a focus on cost-effective and sustainable design, Fisher and Associates offers these services from their offices based in New York and Pennsylvania:

* Highway Engineering
* Structural Engineering
* Traffic Engineering
* Visualization
* Civil/Site Engineering
* Environmental Engineering
* Surveying
* Construction Inspection
* GIS Mapping Services

Given the risk involved in structural engineering projects and environmental consulting services, our expert team of engineer’s professional liability consultants at Fenner & Esler conducted a comprehensive review of Fischer Associates’ insurance coverage to ensure they had sufficient coverage for the significant liability risks associated with this project. Additionally, our risk management professionals review the project contracts to prevent Fischer Associates from assuming more than their fair share of responsibility for the Centerway Bridge project. Personalized service is the foundation of Fenner & Esler’s success as a leading provider of scalable professional liability insurance for environmental consultants and  civil engineers.